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- # liblouis: Nemeth Table for mathematics
- #
- # Based on the Linux screenreader BRLTTY, copyright (C) 1999-2006 by
- # The BRLTTY Team
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006
- # ViewPlus Technologies, Inc. www.viewplus.com
- # and
- # JJB Software, Inc. www.jjb-software.com
- # All rights reserved
- #
- # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- # under the terms of the Lesser or Library GNU General Public License
- # as published by the
- # Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
- # later version.
- #
- # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # Library GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the Library GNU General Public
- # License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write
- # to
- # the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- #
- # Maintained by John J. Boyer john.boyer@jjb-software.com
- # Updated 6-18-08 by Mike Sivill <mike.sivill@viewplus.com>
- include chardefs.cti All character definition opcodes
- include nemethdefs.cti
- # Braille indicators
- multind 56-6 letsign capsign
- capsign 6
- begital 46
- endital 46-46
- begbold 456
- endbold 456-456
- begcomp 456-346
- endcomp 456-156
- # Letters are defined in en-chardefs
- # punctuation
- prepunc " 236
- postpunc " 356
- prepunc ' 6-236
- postpunc ' 356-3
- postpunc , 6
- always , 6-a
- always # 35-2345 print number sign before number
- decpoint . 46
- hyphen - 36
- postpunc . 456-256
- endnum . 456-256
- always . 256
- postpunc ; 456-23
- postpunc : 456-25
- always ! 12346 factorial
- always < a-5-13-a
- always = a-46-13-a
- always > a-46-2-a
- postpunc ? 456-236
- endnum % 4-356
- always ~~ 4-156-5-4-156
- always ~ 4-156
- always & 456-12346
- midnum * 4-16
- always [ 4-12356
- always ] 4-23456
- always { 46-12356
- always } 46-23456
- always @ 4-1
- always \\ 456-16
- always | 1256
- always $ 4-234
- repeated \s 0
- context ["\X25A1"]$d @1246-256-5
- context ["\X25A0"]$d @1246-456-256-5
- always \x00b0 45-46-16
- always \x00B1 346-36
- # semantic character pairs
- always ^, 6
- always ^; 56
- always ^: 156
- always ^. 46
- always ^! 2346
- always ^" 5
- always ^' 3
- always ^( 12356
- always ^) 23456
- always ^- 36
- always ^_ 456
- always ^< 126
- always ^= 123456
- always ^> 345
- always ^% 146
- always ^+ 346
- always ^~ 45
- always ^` 4
- always ^& 12346
- always ^$ 1246
- always ^? 1456
- always ^{ 246
- always ^} 12456
- always ^# 3456
- always ^| 1256
- always ^/ 34
- always ^* 16
- repeated ^1 a
- # Function names and abbreviations
- word arc =
- word arg =
- word cosh =
- word coth =
- word covers =
- word erf =
- word inf =
- word min =
- word sech =
- word arccos =
- word sin =
- word sinh =
- word vers =
- # computer braille character sequences
- compbrl :// URLs
- compbrl www.
- compbrl .com
- compbrl .edu
- compbrl .gov
- compbrl .mil
- compbrl .net
- compbrl .org
- compbrl .doc
- compbrl .htm
- compbrl .html
- compbrl .tex
- compbrl .txt
- compbrl .gif
- compbrl .jpg
- compbrl .png
- compbrl .wav
- compbrl .tar
- compbrl .zip
- # pass 2 corrections
- # get rid of base-line ind. after subscripts
- pass2 @56[$d1-5]@5!$d *
- # insert another superscript ind. on doube superscripts
- pass2 @45[]$d@5-5 @45
- #get rid of extra baseline inds.
- pass2 @5-5 @5 pass2 @5-0 @0 pass2 @5-a @a pass2 @5-1b-15 @1b-15
- # get rid rid of superscript ind. on prime sign
- pass2 @45-3-5 @3
- # Put 456 in mixed numbers
- pass2 $d[]@1456 @456
- pass2 @456-1456!$s3-8[]@3456 @456
- # Put number sign on numbers after spaces
- pass2 @a[]$d @3456
- pass2 @0[]$d @3456
- pass2 @1b-12[]$d @3456
- pass2 @a-0 @a
- # fix anomaly with superscripts
- pass2 @45-0-5 @45
- pass2 @45-5 @45
- # Fix single letter and digit with overbar
- pass2 @5$l[@126-12456] @156
- pass2 @5-6$l[@126-12456] @156
- pass2 [@5]!$s@156 @a
- pass2 @46-a @456-256
- # get rid of space for overscripts
- pass2 @126-a @126
- pass2 @146-a @146
- pass2 @0-146 @146
- pass2 @a-146 @146
- pass2 @a-12456 @12456
- # fix complex fraction begin and end (not perfectly)
- pass2 @1456-1456 @6-1456-1456
- pass2 @3456-3456 @3456-6-3456
- # Fix lim with overbar sign
- pass2 @5-123-24-134-126-12456 @126-123-24-134
- # Get rid of open paren before matrices
- pass2 @12356-4-6-12356 @4-6-12356
- pass2 @1256-4-6-12356 @4-6-12356
- # take off baseline ind. comma space
- pass2 [@5-6]!$l @6
- pass2 @1b-12[]$d @3456 number sign before digit at beginning